lördag 24 mars 2012

birthday wishes.

my birthday is on friday :)!
the list is endless.
surprise, surprise :).
filled with unnecessary beauty stuff.

the bracelet from dogeared is absolutely perfect.
but perhaps a gold one instead.

by lassens kubus is always on my list.

eames rar as well :).
an exsessivley large bag.
check and thank u dad :).
a transparant box from hay.
so cool.
shorts from zara.
a cool tee and a pair of feminin shoes and i´m dressed for summer.

kram//jennifer snart 29.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Happy Birthday!!!
    Nice wish list you had - could take all of those
    myself as well :D Do you who makes the cross pillow cases? Love it!!

    1. thank u so much!
      anyhow.se. i hope they ship to your country :).
      take care and thank again!
